Thyroid Awareness

Up to 20 million Americans have a thyroid condition — and up to 60 percent of them don’t know it. The thyroid can be either overactive or under-active. And both conditions can lead to big health problems. The thyroid is found in the middle of the lower neck. The hormones it produces (T3 and T4) affect every cell in the body. They help control your body temperature and heart rate; and help regulate the production of protein. If the thyroid produces too much — or too little T3 and T4, it can create problems. Specifically, those conditions are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
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Emergency & Disaster Preparedness

You and your family can recover from an emergency if planning and preparation is done today. Every family’s abilities and needs are unique, every family can take steps to prepare for all kinds of emergencies from fires and floods to potential terrorist attacks. Once you evaluate your family needs and create an emergency plan to meet those needs, your family will be better prepared.
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Medication Safety

How are you safely storing and disposing of your unused medication? Safely disposing of old, unneeded, or unused medication is something that is extremely important. Not disposing of medication in the proper manner can lead to drug abuse, addiction, poisoning, and may even be fatal. Making sure that unused medications are being monitored, are secure, and disposed of can help to stop these things from happening.
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